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Related Item

Related Items are used to define test scenarios or tasks that must be completed for a helpdesk call. This allows users to ensure all related items are completed before closing a call.

When a call created users can add related items to define which areas of the system needs to be reviewed. The related item is assigned to a helpdesk call on the "Related Item" tab.

For example, a call is created with subject as "User Unable to Login". For this call users can add related items to test log in for "Linkweb" and "LinkSOFT Point of Sales" .

Steps to create a related item:

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the edit form.
  2. Enter below details
    1. Code - Enter a unique code to identify each item. The code can be alphanumeric.
      1. Users can set the code as the menu code from "Menu Maintenance". This will integrate the functional points of the menu.
    2. Description - Enter the description of the item
    3. Deleted -
    4. Display Order - The display order will
  3. Expand into the details of the related item.
  4. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the edit form.
  5. Enter below details
    1. Description - Enter the description of what to test for the new.
    2. Status - Select the status from the list
    3. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".
  6. Expand into the details of the "Related Items Details", this will load the "Related Items Log". Refer to Figure 3.
  7. Enter below details:
    1. Description - Enter the test results.
    2. Version - Enter the version of LinkSOFT in which was the test was performed.
    3. Reference - Users can enter referential notes
    4. Status - Select the status of the test.
    5. Deleted - This will delete the record.
    6. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon". 

Figure 1: Related Items