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Call Pivot Analysis
Call Pivot Analysis to used to generate charts to extract information on Helpdesk calls.


Steps to generate charts.

  1. Go to the "Select Chart Options" section.
    1. Select the "Chart Type"
    2. Check the chart option for the chart label.
      1. Tick the "Check Box".
  2. Filter the data for the chart:
    1. "Filter Area" and "Data Area" contains list of data can be included in the chart.
    2. "Column Area" and "Row Area" will printed the selected data in the chart.
    3. Drag and drop the required data from the "Filter Area" and "Data Area" to "Column Area" and "Row Area" sections.
    4. A table will be generated next to the filters to show the data count.
  3. The graph will be updated with the data filtered in 2 above.

Figure 1: Pivot Analysis