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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Helpdesk > Projects >

The purpose of projects is to group tasks together and manage a common set of tasks. Projects allows the user to:

  1. View project progress as tasks are updated.
  2. Manage Budget for each project by hours or dollar amount.
  3. Manage risks and issues related to a project.
  4. View the overall status of a project through colour coded tasks.

To create a new project, click on the green plus sign.

The table below describes each field in the Create New Project form. Refer to Figure 1.

Table 1: Field Descriptions for Edit form.
Fields Description


Customer is the client or customer for the project. The list of customers comes from organization.

Project No

The project number is user assigned and is usually the asset number or the approved project number.


Manager is the project Manager or the individual responsible for the project.


Title is a brief description of the project.


Description contains details and information about the project.

Budget Hrs

Budget hours is the estimated time in hours for the completion for the project.

Budget $

Budget dollars is the estimated cost in dollars for the completion for the project.

Delivery Date

Date of project completion or the date project is signed off.


Status indicates the status of the project, status can be selected from the list as New, In Progress, Completed, Suspended or Cancelled.

When a user logs into helpdesk, by default, the page will only display the projects which are open for the user .

Open, All and My Projects filters can be used to access other projects on the system. Refer to Figure 2

Note :

  1. Users on Helpdesk can only edit and manage projects of which they are project Managers.

Figure 1: Edit Form to create a New Project

Figure 2: Project Filters