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Purchase Approval

Purchase Approval allows users to validate the purchase order details and approve or reject the order for buying.

  1. Purchase Order approval uses the "Approval Workflow ".  Create the workflow and add users who can approve the request.
    1. Users added to the workflow will be able to approve purchase orders.
  2. Assign the workflow to the users on the "User Maintenance ".

1. Prerequisites
Enable process "SYS001" - Server process used to prepare alerts and complex computations.

2. Steps to approve or reject a purchase order:

  1. Expand into the details of the purchase order to view the products and the product matrix. Refer to Figure 1.
    1. Click on the "Red X"  to delete items that should not be approved for purchase.
  2. Click on the "Pencil Icon". This will open the "Edit Form" to enter the "Approver Comments".
  3. Select the purchase order.
    1. Click the "Check Box" next to the request.
  4. Click on the "Approve" or "Reject" button.
    1. Once a purchase order is approved it is  removed from the "Purchase Approval" screen. Users can then receive the purchase order.
    2. If the request is rejected it is  removed from the "Purchase Approval" screen. Purchase Order status is updated to "Rejected".

3. Automatically Email Purchase Order
The following configuration is used to automatically email purchase orders to suppliers.

  Code Description Default Value

Send an email when a "Purchase Order" is "Approved". This alert is sent to the supplier with purchase order attachment.

This alert uses Document Template "Email Purchase Order To Supplier"
  Tags Sample Alert
{@CompanyEmail }
Dear {@SupplierName}

Attached is Purchase Order No {@PurchaseOrderNumber}.

Yours sincerely,

Phone: {@CompanyPhone}
Email: {@CompanyEmail}


Figure 1: Purchase Order Approval