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Purchase Order

Purchase Order is a document that is issued to a supplier or vendor to confirm purchase of goods or services. It contains details of the products, quantity of purchase and pricing information.

Purchase Order process includes the following steps.

  1. Create purchase order.
  2. Approve the purchase order.
  3. Print and submit the purchase order to the supplier.
  4. Receive items.


  1. A purchase order can be created any of the following options
    1. Stock Replenishment  
    2. Purchase Request  
    3. Purchase Order
  2. Enable access to "Can create MISC items in "Purchase Request" / "Purchase Order" to create create purchases for non-inventory items.
  3. LinkSOFT allows users to create purchase orders for local and foreign suppliers.
    1. Configure the "Exchange Buy Rate" on the menu "Global Administration -> Currency". These rates need to be entered under the "Home" currency code.
  4. Purchase Orders can be created with a "Unit of Measure Conversion"(UOM). For example,
    1. Product A is sold as each, however, the supplier delivers product A in a box.  Each box contains 10 pieces of product A.
    2. A purchase order can be created with the UOM "BOX" which will update the stock as 10 when the box is received in LinkSOFT.


  1. Purchase Order Status
  2. Purchase Order Reprint


  1. Enable process "SYS001" - Server process used to prepare alerts and complex computations.
  2. To automatically close the purchase order after a configured number of days, enable plugin "POS001" - Close purchase order after a number of days specified from purchase order date.

Steps to create a purchase request:

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details. Refer to Figure 1.
    1. Date PO - Enter the purchase order date. The date is defaulted to the current day.
    2. Location - Select the location from the list.
      1. Location is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Location"
    3. Creditor - Select the creditor or supplier from who the products will be purchase.
      1. Suppliers are maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Supplier Maintenance".
    4. Attention Name
    5. Attention Phone
    6. Currency - Select the currency from the list.
      1. Foreign currencies and buying exchange rate is set under "Linkweb - Global Administration - Currency".
      2. Edit the "Purchase Order" header and save the record whenever the rates are changed.
    7. Description - Enter the purpose of the purchase request.
    8. Reference - Users can enter referential notes.
    9. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon". This will create the purchase request.
      1. Expand into the details to enter the product details.
      2. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
      3. Enter below details:
        1. Part No
        2. FOC Ordered
        3. Notes Purchase
        4. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon". This will create the purchase request.
          1. Each line is added to a "Quote" link. This contains "Supplier Quotes", "Sales Analysis" and "Instock" information of the product.
        5. Expand into the details to define the "Product Matrix" for products with matrix setup . Refer to Figure 2. 
          1. For example "Shirts" can have "Size and Colour" as matrix. User can then request 2 Large Black Shirts.
  3. Users need to "Submit" the purchase order for approval. Users can "Copy" and create a new purchase order with the existing items.
  4. The status will be updated to show the purchase order progress.Users can view the "Notes" under "Notes and Attachment" to view the log for failed record.

Figure 1 : Purchase Order

Figure 2: Purchase Order Details