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Purchase Request
Purchase Request is used to request the purchase of a specific item. The requester creates and submits a request with the products and purchase quantity. The request is then approved to create a purchase order.

For example, the "Human Resource (HR)" department has advertised a vacancy and analysed that a new laptop will be needed for the staff to use. HR will request the purchase of the laptop which is  approved by Finance before the purchase order can be created.


  1. Purchase Request Form
  1. Enable process "SYS001" - Server process used to prepare alerts and complex computations.

Steps to create a purchase request:

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details
    1. Location - Select the location from the list.
      1. Location is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Location"
    2. Date Request - Enter the date the request was made.
    3. Description - Enter the purpose of the purchase request.
    4. Reference - Users can enter referential notes.
    5. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon". This will create the purchase request.
      1. Expand into the details to enter the product details.
      2. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
        1. Enter below details:
          1. Part No - Select the product to purchase.
            1. The product list is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Product Master".
          2. Description - Enter the description of the non-inventory or miscellaneous items to purchase. 
          3. Quantity - Enter the purchase quantity.
          4. Notes Request - Users can enter referential notes.
          5. Save.Click on the "Floppy Icon". This will add the product to the request.
          6. Expand into the details to define the "Product Matrix" for products with matrix setup .
            1.  For example "Shirts" can have "Size and Colour" as matrix. User can then request 2 Large Black Shirts.
  3. Select and "Submit" the request for approval. Users can copy the request using the "Copy" button.
  4. The status will be updated to show the request progress.Users can view the "Notes" under "Notes and Attachments" to view the log for failed record.

Figure 1: Purchase Request

Figure 2: Purchase Request Details