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Stock Replenishment

Stock Replenishment is a functionality that allows users to purchase or transfer inventory based on the "Minimum and Maximum" stock levels and "Minimum Order".


  1. Update the "Minimum Stock, Maximum Stock and Minimum Order" of the items in the Product Master.
  2. Enable process "SYS001" - Server process used to prepare alerts and complex computations.
  3. Enable the "Requisition Alert" and configuration the "Email Address" under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Configuration - Purchasing".

Steps to create replenishment:

Table 1: Replenishment Criteria

Replenishment Criteria




Stock level




Existing PO


  • This criteria will list all stock where the "Available Stock" is LESS THAN the "Minimum Stock".
  • Purchase Order will be created with the quantity that is  set as the "Min Order".
  • For example, Product ABC1001  has "Min Stock" as set 5,  "Min Order" as set 10 and current "Available Stock" is 3, Purchase Order will be created with quantity as 10.



Stock level




 Existing PO


  • This criteria will list all stock where the "Available Stock" is LESS THAN the "Minimum Stock".
  • Purchase Order quantity will be calculated as "Min Stock" - "Available Stock".
  • For example, Product ABC1001, has  "Min Stock" as set 5 and current "Available Stock" is 3, then Purchase Order will be created for quantity as 2.
  • However, if order is LESS THAN the "Min Order" then reorder  will be the "Min Order". For example, Product ABC1001, has  "Min Stock" as set 5,  "Min Order" as 10 and current "Available Stock" is 3,  purchase order should be created with quantity 2, but 2 is less than 10 which is the "Min Order" hence PO will be created with quantity as 10.



Stock level




Existing PO


  • This criteria will list all stock where the "Available Stock" is LESS THAN the "Minimum Stock".
  • Purchase Order quantity will be calculated as "Min Stock" - ["Available" + "Exiting Purchase Order Quantity"]. 
  • For example, Product ABC1001, has "Min Stock" as set 5,current "Available Stock" is 3 and a Purchase Order is open with order quantity as 1 then the reorder quantity through replenishment will be 1.
  • However, if order is LESS THAN the "Min Order" then reorder will be the "Min Order". For example, Product ABC1001, has "Min Stock" as set 5, "Min Order" is set as 10, current "Available Stock" is 3 purchase order should be created with  quantity as 1 ,but 1 is less than 10 which is the "Min Order" hence PO will be created with quantity as 10.



Stock level




 Existing PO


  • This criteria will list all stock where the "Available Stock" is LESS THAN the "Maximum Stock".
  • Purchase Order will be created with the quantity that is  set the "Max Stock".
  • For example, Product ABC1001, has the "Max Stock" as set 5 and current "Available Stock" is 3, Purchase Order will be created with quantity as 5.
  • However, if order is LESS THAN the "Min Order" then reorder  will be the "Min Order". For example, Product ABC1001, has  "Max Stock" as set 5,  "Min Order" as 10 and current "Available Stock" is 3 then purchase order will be created with quantity as 10.



Stock level


Demand – Instock


Supply - Existing


  • This criteria will list all stock where the "Available Stock" is LESS THAN the "Maximum Stock".
  • Purchase Order quantity will be calculated ax "Max Stock" - "Available".
  • For example, Product ABC1001, has the "Max Stock" as set 5 and current "Available Stock" is 3, Purchase Order will be created with quantity as 2.
  • However, if order is LESS THAN the "Min Order" then reorder  will be the "Min Order". For example, Product ABC1001, has  "Max Stock" as set 5,  "Min Order" as 10 and current "Available Stock" is 3,  purchase order should be created with quantity 2, but 2 is less than 10 which is the "Min Order" hence PO will be created with quantity as 10.



Stock level




 Existing PO


  • This criteria will list all stock where the "Available Stock" is LESS THAN the "Maximum Stock".
  • Purchase Order quantity will be calculated ax "Max Stock" -  ["Available" + "Exiting Purchase Order Quantity"]. 
  • For example, Product ABC1001, has "Max Stock" as set 5,current "Available Stock" is 3 and a Purchase Order is open with order quantity as 1 then the reorder quantity through replenishment will be 1.
  • However, if order is LESS THAN the "Min Order" then reorder will be the "Min Order". For example, Product ABC1001, has "Min Stock" as set 5, "Min Order" is set as 10, current "Available Stock" is 3 purchase order should be created with  quantity as 1 ,but 1 is less than 10 which is the "Min Order" hence PO will be created with quantity as 10.

Figure 1: Create Replenishment

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details
    1. Product - Select the product from the list.
      1. Products are maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Product Master" .
      2. If the replenishment should include all products  do not select a product.
    2. Location - Select the location from the list.
      1. Location is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Location"
    3. Category - Select the category from the list.
      1. Category  is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory -Category "
    4. Supplier  - Select the supplier the list.
      1. Supplier   is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Supplier Maintenance".
      2. If a supplier is not selected then the purchase order will be created for the "default" supplier in the supplier maintenance.
    5. Replenish Type - Select the replenishment type from the list. Refer to Table 1 for replenishment criteria.
    6. In Stock - If "InStock" is enabled system will use the available stock to compute the quantity to order. Refer to Table 1.
    7. Existing PO - If "Existing PO"  is enabled system will use the order quantity in a open purchase order to compute the new quantity to order.Refer to Table 1.
    8. Transfer From - Select the location from which the item should be transferred.
    9. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".
    10. Expand into the details to view the replenishment details
      1. Users can add other items that will be included in the purchase order.
        1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign".
        2. Enter below details:
          1. Product, Location, Supplier, Quantity and Unit Cost.
  3. To create the "Purchase Order" or "Transfer" select the replenishment and click on the "Create PO" or "Create Transfer" button.
  4. The status will be updated to show the replenishment progress.Users can view the "Notes" under "Notes and Attachment" to view the log for failed record.

Figure 2: Create Purchase or Transfer