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Stock Transfer
Stock Transfer allows movement of inventory from one location  to another in an organization.


  1. Inventory Transfer Listing
  2. Inventory Transfer Barcode
  3. Inventory Transfer Delivery Note


  1. Enable process "SYS001" - Server process used to prepare alerts and complex computations.

Steps to request a transfer:

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details. Refer to Figure 1.
    1. Location From - Select the location from which the transfer is requested.
    2. Location To -  Select the location to which the transfer is sent.
    3. Freight - Enter the freight or cost of the transfer.
      1. The freight cost can be added to the cost of inventory. Users can define the cost contribution method under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Configuration - Inventory".
    4. Date Shipped and Date Received - This is auto updated.
    5. Notes - Users can enter referential notes.
    6. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon". The status of the transfer will be "Request".
      1. Expand into the details to enter the products to transfer
      2. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
      3. Enter below detail:
        1. Product Code
        2. Request - Enter the request quantity.
        3. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".
    7. Select the record and click on "Submit". The status of the transfer will be updated to "Submitted" and sent for shipment.

Steps to Ship a Transfer

  1. Expand into the details of the transfer.
  2. Update the ship quantity, "Lot Bin" and "Product Matrix" details. Refer to Figure 2.
  3. Select the record and click on "Ship" button. The status of the transfer will be updated to "Transit".

Steps to Ship a Transfer

  1. Expand into the details of the transfer.
  2. Update the receiving quantity, "Lot Bin" and "Product Matrix" details. Refer to Figure .
    1. Users can disallow users from changing the receiving quantity. This is configured under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Configuration - Inventory".
  3. Select the record and click on "Receive" button. The status of the transfer will be updated to "Received".

Figure 1: Transfer Request

Figure 2: Transfer Ship