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Stock Take

Stocktake involves physical counting of all items held in inventory. Stock Take allow businesses to keep an accurate track of the physical stock, what's been sold, and what hasn't.


  1. A Cycle Code is required to create a Stock Take. It determines which products will be included in the stock take.
    1. For example, items A1001 and A1002 have  the cycle code as "Weekly". Items B1001 and B1002 have the cycle code as "Daily".  If a stock take is created  with cycle code "Weekly" only items A1001 and A1002 will appear in the stock take
    2. Cycle Code is tagged to inventory in the Product Master .
  2. "Inventory Bins" are used to conduct stock take by  shelves or racks. For example, Supermarket A  has 10 shelves, shelve 1 has all baby products. A stock take can be created for shelve 1, users can count and update the stock take for all baby products and then start the stock count for shelve 2.
  3. Users can configure the stock take to exclude items from the stock take which has instock as 0.
    1. Set the value for the configuration "Create Stock take where available is not equal to zero " to Yes under Inventory Configuration .
  4. If an item is already part of an open stock take it will not be included new stock takes created. Users can void the existing stock take and create a new one.
  5. "Product Matrix" and "Lot Bin" items in the adjustment will be highlighted in red if the matrix and serial numbers have not been updated.
  6. A stock take adjustment will be created for inventory where the counted value does not equal to current instock value. For example,  the current instock for item PC1001 is 10, user updates the physical count of the item as 9, system will create an adjustment of -1.
  7. Users can disable security access "Stock Level View" to hide the instock value for a stock take.


  1. Stock Take Count Sheet - Once a stock take has been created, users can print this report to count and enter the stock values. The report is then submitted to the inventory user to update the count in LinkSOFT.
  2. Stock Take Variance Report - The variance report shows the difference between the stock count in LinkSOFT and the physical stock count. Variance can be obtained by the cost of an item or the selling price of the item.


  1. Enable process "SYS001" - Server process used to prepare alerts and complex computations.

Steps to create stock take:

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details
    1. Location - Select the location from the list.
      1. Location is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Location"
    2. Cycle Code - Select the cycle code from the list.
      1. Cycle Code is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Cycle Code"
    3. Product - Select the product from the list to create stock take for a item. 
      1. Products are maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Product Master" .
      2. If the stock take should include all products within a cycle code, do not select a product.
    4. Category - Select the category from the list.
      1. Category  is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory -Category "
    5. Sub Category - Select the sub- category from the list.
      1. Sub Category  is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Sub Category "
    6. Bin No  - Select the bin from the list.
      1. Bin   is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Bin "
    7. Notes - Users can enter referential notes.
    8. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon". This will create the stock take based on the selections.
      1. The "Command" tab will be updated with the "Counts Entry" link. Refer to Figure 1 and 2.
      2. Clicking on the link will open the "Stock Count Entry" sheet on a new tab. Users can directly enter the count amount in the "Count" column.
      3. Use the "Preview Changes" and "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page to make save details.
    9. Expand into the details to view and add items to the stock take.
      1. Click on the "Pencil Icon" to edit the count amount.
      2. Click on the "Green Plus Sign" to add an item to the stock take.
  3. To update a  stock take click on the "Post Stock take" button. This will update the count values in the Product Master. Refer to Figure 3.
    1. Users need access to "Can Post Inventory Stock Take".
  4. The status will be updated to show the stock take progress.Users can view the "Notes" under "Notes and Attachments" to view the log for failed record.

Figure 1: Stock Take

Figure 2: Stock take Counts Entry

Figure 3:   Post Stock take