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Stock Adjustment

When you need to add new inventory with an initial value or make adjustments to on hand inventory levels, you use the Stock Adjustment transaction option. Regardless of the type of transaction that you perform, the application assigns issue numbers to each adjustment performed. This lets you track changes to determine when and why adjustments were made.

Stock Adjustment  is used to created and maintain inventory adjustments. Inventory adjustment is used to increase or decrease stock levels at a cost.

The following functions are available:

  1. Create a stock adjustment
  2. Post Adjustment
  3. Reports

1. Steps to create a stock adjustment 

  1. Enter the following details:
     Field  Description
     Adjustment No  Adustment Number is system assigned. Refer to configuration: "Next Adjustment No"
     Adjustment Date   This field is systematically updated. The system by default is set to the date that the adjustment was done.
     Location  Refer to Location Maintenance
     Document No  Document reference number
     Reason   The Reason field is applicable to specify why an adjustment was done for the selected item/items. For example, if you reduce inventory as the result of physical inventory, you can use the reason to indicate that the items sustained water damage and had to be discarded.
     Notes  Free text field to capture any additional information about the adjustment

  2. Expand the record and enter the item details:
     Field  Description
     Product  Select the code for the item you want to adjust
     Direction   Select the movement direction.
    1. In - "In" will increase the stock count. Security access "IV5201-1 - Can create items for "Adjustment IN" in menu "Inventory -> Stock Adjustment"" is used to enable adjustment IN.
    2. Out - "Out" will reduce the stock count Security access "IV5201-2 - Can create items for "Adjustment OUT" in menu "Inventory -> Stock Adjustment"" is used to enable adjustment OUT.
     Quantity  Enter the quantity for adjustment
     Unit Cost  Enter the unit cost of the product. By default the products cost is loaded when the item is selected.

  3. For Lot/Serial and Product Matrix items, expand the item and enter the item breakdown:
    1. Lot Serial
       Field  Description
      Lot Bin Items (Tab 1)
       Bin No  Select the bin from the list
       Lot Serial  Enter the Lot Serial Number
       Expiry Date  Enter the Expiry Date
       Quantity  Enter the quantity for adjustment
       Notes  Free text field to capture any additional information about the record
      Auto Create Lot/Bin Items (Tab 2)
       Auto Create  Tick the box "Auto Create" to enable "Auto Create" options
       Quantity  Enter the quantity for adjustment

       Enter a mask for the serial number.
       For example, LB####. This will generate numbers as LB0001, LB0002, etc

       Start Number  Starting number to generate the mask from.
       For example, Mask: LB#### Start Number: 15. This will generate numbers as LB0015, LB0016, etc
       Quantity Per Line

       Quantities per line
       For example, Quantity: 10 Quantity Per Line: 3. This will generate 4 lines as follows:
       Line 1: quantity = 3
       Line 2: quantity = 3
       Line 3: quantity = 3
       Line 4: quantity = 1

       Bin No  Select the bin from the list
       Expiry Date  Enter the Expiry Date
       Notes  Free text field to capture any additional information about the record

    2. Product Matrix
       Field  Description
       Matrix Row / Column  Automatically populated to form a matrix of rows and columns for the item
       Bin No  Bin Number for the item
       Available  Available stock for the item in this row/column/bin
       Adj In  Displays the quantity for adjustment In
       Adj Out  Displays the quantity for adjustment Out
       Quantity  Enter the quantity for adjustment

2. Post Stock Adjustment 

  1. Assign access to menu "IV5202 - Can Post in menu Inventory -> Stock Adjustment"
  2. Tick the record to post then click "Post Adjustment". On failure or error, check the messages under "Notes and Attachments" tab.

3. Reports

  1. Inventory Adjustment Report

Figure 1: Stock Adjustment