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Purchase Quote

Purchase Quote is used process approved purchase requests.

  1. Users can "Request for Quotation" for the products.
  2. Users can edit request with creditor, quantity and pricing details to create the "Purchase Order".


  1. Purchase Request Quote


  1. Enable process "SYS001" - Server process used to prepare alerts and complex computations.

Steps to create a request for a quotation.

  1. Click on "Load and Consolidate Approve Requests".  This will load all approved purchase request. The status of the quote will be "New".
  2. Users can "Allocate Group" to consolidate individual purchase request to create a request for quotation. Refer to Figure 1.
    1. Type the group name in the "Group Name to Allocate" field.
    2. Select the purchase request and click on "Allocate Group" button.
    3. The group name will be added to the "Reference" field.
      1. Click on "Remove Group" to unallocate group.
    4. Generate the " Purchase Request Quote" report.
    5. Submit this to get quotations for the purchase. The status of the request will be updated to "Quote Sent".

Steps to create a purchase order from the purchase quote:

  1. Click on the pencil icon to edit the record.
  2. Enter below details. Refer to Figure 2.
  3. Creditor -  Select the creditor or supplier from who the products will be purchase.
    1. Suppliers are maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Supplier Maintenance".
  4. Currency - Select the currency from the list.
    1. Foreign currencies and buying exchange rate is set under "Linkweb - Global Administration - Currency".
  5. Tax Code - Select the tax applicable for the purchase order.
  6. Suppliers are maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Tax Maintenance".
  7. Unit Price - Enter the purchase price of the item.
  8. Quote Notes - Enter referential notes from the quotation.
  9. Purchase Notes - Enter referential notes for the purchase order.
  10. Save . Click on the "Floppy Icon".
  11. Click on "Create PO" button to create the Purchase Order. The request will be removed from the screen.

Figure 1: Allocate Group

Figure 2: Create Purchase Order