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Inventory Valuation is the cost associated with inventory at the end of a current period. LinkPOS values inventory monthly based on POS transactions.

1. Steps to Setup Valuation:

  1. Go to "Company Administration -> Processes"
    1. Expand process "POS012" and enter the "Valuation Start Date".
    2. Enable process "POS012". Review POS Processes for the functionality of the processes.
  2. Review the "Valuation" page to monitor the Valuation progress. Refer to Figure 1.
    1. Click on the "View" link to see valuation per location.
    2. Click on the "Grey Triangle" next to the "Location Code" to see valuation of each item. Refer to Figure 2.
    3. Users can also review "Inventory Valuation Report" and "Inventory Movement Summary & Valuation" for valuation data.

2. Note

  1. Valuation is computed from the "Valuation Start Date" configured in process "POS012". All entries prior to this date is removed.
  2. Entries in valuation are created when a new month starts.
  3. During the month, the valuation of an item is recalculated based on the items transactions.
  4. The valuation of an item can be adjusted manually by editing the valuation record. The variance as a result of the edit is created as a valuation adjustment in the items movement.

Figure 1 : Valuation Progress

Figure 2 : Valuation per Item