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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Leave Management >
Leave Calendar

Leave Calendar provides a "Calendar View" of all meetings which can be filtered by "Day", "Week"or "Month". Below functionalities are available on the page:

  1. Employees can view their leave applications and of employees reporting to them. Refer to Figure 1. 
  2. Employee create and edit leave entries. Refer to Figure 2.
  3. Colour coding is used to reflect different status:
    1. Planned Leave - Pink
    2. Applied Leave - Blue
    3. Approved Leave - Green
    4. Taken Leave - Orange 


  1. Leave Calendar View

Steps to create a leave entries.

  1. Click on the "Plus" sign at the bottom of the page.
  2. Enter below details
    1. Employee and Employee Name is auto updated.
    2. Date From and Date To - Select the leave dates. This is defaulted to the current day.
      1. Leave date is checked against the Calender setup. This ensures users do not enter invalid dates at leave application.
    3.  Leave Type - Select the leave type from the list.
    4. Time From and Time To - Enter the time from which the employee is will be on leave. This is defaulted to the start and end time of the employee's shift.
    5. Hours Taken - Enter the total hours of leave.
      1. System will force users to click on the "Calculate Hours" button if less leave hours is entered. System calculates the expected leave based on the date, time and  shift segments of the employee.
      2. Users with access to menu "LE006 - User can change hours taken" will be able to override the hours.
    6. Status - Select the leave status.
    7. Medical Days - Enter the number of medical days for Sick Leave.
    8. Medical Certificate - Tick this if the user is attaching a sick sheet or medical certificate.
    9. Leave Comments - Enter the description of the leave application.
    10. Save

Figure 1: Leave Calendar


Figure 2: Leave Application Form