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Leave Approvals

Leave Approvals shows all applied leave that needs to be approved. Below functionalities are available on the page:

  1. Approvers can view list of leave entries submitted for approval.
  2. The approver should be an employee in the organisation. Update the employee code under "User Maintenance".
  3. Approvers can " Approve or Reject" a single leave entry or approve leave in batch.
  4. Approvers can enter the comments when approving or rejecting single leave applications.
  5. Leave approval workflow can be configured as follows.
    • Approval workflow for each employee. This is configured in the user maintenance menu.
    • Approval workflow for each Leave Type. This is configured in the Leave maintenance menu in Backoffice. 
  6. The following processes occur when a leave is approved:
    1. Leave entry is split into appropriate pay periods.
    2. System will send an email alert to the employee.
      1. Enable configuration " ESS.Alert.Leave.Enable"under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Configuration - Human Resource Management - Alerts". "
  7. Users can enable process "ESS020 - Pending Leave Approval Alert". This will send an  alert to the approver which leave applications awaiting approval.

Steps to Approve or Reject Leave in a batch

  1. Click the "Grey Arrow"next to the leave transaction. This will show the leave details.
  2. Tick the "Check Box" on the top grid. This will select all leave applications.
  3. Click on the "Approve or Reject" button.

Steps to Approve or Reject a leave

  1. Click on the "Approve/Reject" link. This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter "Approver Comments"
  3. Click on the "Approve or Reject" button.

Figure 1: Leave Approval Workflow


Figure 1: Leave Approval