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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Leave Management >
Leave Transactions
Leave Transactions shows all leave applications for an employee. Below functionalities are available on the page: 

  1. Users can validate and mark leave as "Taken". Leave with status as "Taken" flow into Payroll.
  2. Users can edit the leave application as "Sold". Unused leave hours can be sold to the organisation to get a cash payment.
  3. Users can apply leave on behalf of employees.


  1. Leave Transaction

Steps to create or edit leave transaction.

  1. Click on the "Grey Arrow" next to the employee. This will load all leave applications for the employee.
  2. Click on the "Green Plus Sign" to add  a transaction. This will open the "Edit Form".
  3. Enter below details
    1. Transaction ID - This is system generated based on the "Next Leave Transaction Number" configured under "LinkWeb - Company Administration - Configuration - Human Resource Management - Employee Leave".
    2. Leave Code - Select the leave from the list.
    3. Request Date - Enter the date the employee submitted the request for leave.
    4. Date From - Enter the start date and time for employee's leave.
    5. Date To - Enter the end date and time for employee's leave
    6. Hours Taken - Enter the total hours of leave.
    7. Status - Select the leave status.
    8. Approved By - Select the employee from list who has approved the leave.
    9. Sold - Tick "Sold" if an employee sells the leave to the organisation.
    10. Medical Certificate - Tick this if the user is attaching a sick sheet or medical certificate.
    11. Day Submitted - Enter the number days of is medical certificate submitted.
    12. Notes - Enter the description of the leave application.
    13. Void - Void records will be "Disabled" and will not appear in any lookups.
    14. Expand into the details to add notes and attachments.
  4. Click on the "Pencil Icon" to edit a transaction.

Figure 1: Leave Transaction