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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Leave Management >
Process Leave
Process Leave allows users to mark all approved leave as "Taken". Leave with status as "Taken" flows into next payroll and is paid to the employee.


  1. Leave applications must be approved.
  2. Set the configuration to "Yes" for "Allow Future Leave Payment" under "Link Web - Company Administration - Configuration - Human Resource Management".
    1. This will allow future period leave to be marked as "Taken.
    2. For example, an employee applied for leave from 28/01/2019 to 3/02/2019 and the current pay date is 31/01/2019. This leave will not appear in the process leave screen if the configuration is "No".

Steps to Process Leave

  1. Click on the "Check Box" to select the leave application.
    1. Click on the "Check Box" on the header to select all employees.
  2. Click on the "Mark as Taken" button.

Figure 1: Process Leave