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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Payroll Processing > Bank Pay Submission >
BRED - Diskpay - BRED Only


The BRED Diskpay facility enables you to provide BRED Bank with payment files to electronically process frequent bulk processing tasks, such as payroll and accounts payable electronically.

BRED Bank Diskpay can also be used as a direct payments facility for high volume, frequent payments including:

BRED Diskpay File Format Specification
Contact your local BRED branch for file format specification


Steps to configure BRED Diskpay

  1. Configure the file extension in menu "Integration -> Integration Setup -> PAYDirectBankFile -> BREDDirect -> FileExtension" as: txt
  2. Enter the company's bank account details in menu "Company Administration ->  Bank -> [BRED] -> Accounts"
  3. Enter the employee's bank account details in menu "Employee Profile -> Employee Pay Setup -> Direct Credit "


  1. Entries in the "Direct Credit" option is restricted to employees having BRED bank accounts only .