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Bank Pay Submission

Bank Pay Submission is used to generate the "Bank Electronic" file. The file contains pay amounts which is submitted to bank for direct deposit in employee bank accounts.


  1. Enable the "Integration Scheduler" in menu "Global Administration -> Process Setup "
  2. Enable integration for "PAYDirectBankFile" under "Linkweb - Integration - Integration Setup".
Steps to create Bank Pay Submission:
  1. Add a New Record
  2. Enter below details
    1. Payrun ID - Select the payrun number from the list.
    2. Payment Date - Enter the banking date.
    3. Bank Account Number - Select the employer bank account.
    4. Bank Batch ID - Enter the payment batch number supplied by the bank.
    5. Bank File Format - Select the file format for banking .
  3. Once the status is completed, print the "Bank Submission Report" by clicking on the "Print Submission Report" button.
  1. The background process [SYS001] will execute and generate the bank file. This file will be attached as an attachment in the details. The file will also be emailed to the "Email Address" configured under "PAYDirectBankFile" integration setup.
  2. Values in the file can be validated against the "Pay Component/Deduction/Banking Report".
Figure 1: Bank Pay Submission