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Performance Plan
Performance Plan is the process of planning an employee's future work goals and objectives within the wider context of an organisation. A Performance Plan includes an assessment of the progress of an employee towards predetermined goals and any subsequent actions that may be required such as training.

Performance Plan workflow is as follows:

  1. Create a Performance Plan
  2. Maintain the plan and update measures
  3. Review and Close


  1. Performance Plan 

Maintaining Performance Plan:

  1. Performance Plan. see figure 1
    1. Code - system assigned
    2. Employee
    3. Plan Date
    4. Review Date
    5. Completion Date
    6. Performance - Enter the current performance score of the employee
    7. Potential - Enter the potential score of the employee
    8. Status
    9. Notes
    10. Void
  2. Measure - Enter the KPI's to be addressed in the performance plan.
    1. KPI Code
    2. Measure - Select the measures or weights achieved by the employee
    3. Notes
  3. Development Plan - Enter the courses the employee needs to complete the performance plan.
    1. Course Code
    2. Notes
  4. Action Plan - Enter the objective of goals to achieve in the performance plan
    1. Goals
    2. Evidence -  Enter details of how the goal  is weighed or observed
    3. Evidence Date - Enter the date of accomplishment for the above
    4. Notes
  5. Additional Fields, Notes, Attachments and Tasks

Figure 1: Performance Plan