Employee/Manager/HR scores for "Key
Performance Indicators" are averaged to obtain the "Average Employee
Score, Average Manager Score and Average HR Score". The denominator
in calculating the average score is the number of "Standard KPIs". Refer to
Figure 1.
The "Final Score/Score Result" is calculated based on
the weight of each "Key Performance Indicator".
Final Score takes Manager score as 2nd
priority and 1st priority for HR score.
Users will be able to edit the "Score Results" if access is enabled for
rule "Can Edit Performance Appraisal Overall Score".
Average Score
Employee E018 has been scored for below KPIs. Refer to
Figure 1. HR average score is calculated as:
KPI Code = GOVN001,
KPI Type = Standard, HR Score =
85/ 100
KPI Code = GOVN003,
KPI Type = Standard, HR Score =
80/ 100
KPI Code = TECH002,
KPI Type = Initiative, HR Score =
89/ 100.
The initiative KPI was added by the HR approver,
hence "Employee" and "Manager"
score for the
KPI is score.
KPI Code = TECH004, KPI Type = Standard, HR Score =
69/ 100
Average HR Score = (85+90+89+60)/3 = 107.67.
Final Score
KPI Code = GOVN001, HR Score = 85/ 100, Weight =
KPI Code = GOVN003, HR Score = 80/ 100, Weight =
KPI Code = TECH002, HR Score = 89/ 100, Weight =
KPI Code = TECH004, HR Score = 69/ 100, Weight =
Final HR Score = [((85/100)*45) + ((80/100)*50) +
((89/100*)10) + ((69/100)*5)] =
Score Result - The score result is
updated from the "KPI Score Range". This contains the expected outcomes for a
appraisal for a range of score. For example, if the employees scores between 90
to 100 points, the outcome should be "Outstanding". Refer to Figure
Figure 1: Appraisal