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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
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Integration File Export


Integration File Export is used to generate a file that can be uploaded to external systems. This integration uses the File Export framework to generate the file.

The following file formats are available:

  1. Sales Transactions
  2. Sales Transactions - SAP
  3. Sales Transactions - Loyalty


  1. Enable the "Integration Scheduler" in menu "Global Administration -> Process Setup "
  2. Enable integration for "POSIntegrationFile" under "Integration -> Integration Setup ".

Steps to create integration file export

  1. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Integration Type  Select the file format to export
     Date From

     Enter the Date From

     Date To  Enter the Date To
     Customer Category  Select the customer category. Leave this field blank to include all records.
     Customer Group  Select the customer group. Leave this field blank to include all records.
     Customer Type  Select the customer type. Leave this field blank to include all records.
     View  Click on the View link to display the file export data in grid

Scheduling the file to export on a defined frequency

The integration files can be scheduled to be exported on a defined frequency using menu "Company Administration -> Processes -> POS029 "