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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Recruitment >
Configuration & Setup

The following configurations needs to be reviewed before implementing recruitment management:

  1. Document Templates
  2. Configurations
  3. Role Maintenance
  4. Payroll & HR Maintenance  

1. Document Templates

 Template Name  Available Tags  Sample Layout
 HRM Vacancy Application Rejected

{@ApplicantName} - Applicant's Name
{@CompanyName} - Company Name
{@CompanyPhone} - Company Phone
{@CompanyEmail} - Company Email
{@PositionDescription} - Position Description
{@InterviewDate} - Interview Date

Dear {@ApplicantName}

Thank you for your application for the above position. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.

We would like to thank you for your interest in {@CompanyName}.

Yours sincerely,
Human Resource Office
 HRM Vacancy Application Shortlisted

{@ApplicantName} - Applicant's Name
{@CompanyName} - Company Name
{@CompanyPhone} - Company Phone
{@CompanyEmail} - Company Email
{@PositionDescription} - Position Description
{@InterviewDate} - Interview Date

Dear {@ApplicantName}

You have been shortlisted for the position of {@PositionDescription}. Your interview date is on {@InterviewDate}.

Please contact the Human Resource's office if you have any queries.

Yours sincerely,
Human Resource Office
Phone: {@CompanyPhone}
Email: {@CompanyEmail}

2. Configurations

 Rule Code Description Value Caption Default Value
 hrm.alert.VacancyAdverstisement.enable Send an email alert for "Vacancy Advertisement" when an "Advertisement" is created. This alert is sent to all active employees.    N
 next_adv_code Next Vacancy Advertisement Code (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)    ADV0001
 next_app_code Next Applicant Code (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)    A001
 Vacancy.Application.Instructions Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy View".   Below is a list of vacancies.
Use the "row expand" icon on the left to view more details.
Click the "Apply" option on the left side of each vacancy to apply for this position.

You can return to this screen at any time using the HOME menu option on the top left menu.
 Vacancy.Education.Notes Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy Application ~> Education" tab   Please enter your Education details.
Use the + icon below to add an entry
Use the edit icon below to change an entry
Use the X icon below to delete an entry
 Vacancy.Experience.Notes Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy Application ~> Experience" tab   Please enter your Experience details.
Use the + icon below to add an entry
Use the edit icon below to change an entry
Use the X icon below to delete an entry
 Vacancy.Finish.Notes Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy Application ~> Finish" tab  

Before you submit your application, please ensure that you have completed and attached all relevant information.

You can exit without submitting and return to this section at a later time.

If you have completed all sections, please tick the box "I Agree" below and submit the application.

Once you submit an application, you will not be able to make any changes.

Note: You must submit your application before the final close date of the vacancy

{Place terms and conditions link here}

 Vacancy.PersonalInformation.Notes Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy Application ~> Personal Information" tab   Please enter your personal details and save using the button below.
 Vacancy.PositionRequirements.Notes Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy Application ~> Position Requirements" tab   You must answer all questions before you can submit your application.
Use the edit icon below to answer each question. Select Yes/No and add notes as required.
 Vacancy.Reference.Notes Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy Application ~> Reference" tab   Please enter your Reference details.
Use the + icon below to add an entry
Use the edit icon below to change an entry
Use the X icon below to delete an entry

3. Role Maintenance

The role for "All Users" needs to be configured to allow for applicants to apply for vacancies. Refer to the table below for the required security access.








Vacancy Applications






My Application Status












Attachments security access





FR080 Notes security access X




FR083 Comments (detail section of notes) security access





FR500 Change CompanyX     
AD005 Change Password X    

4. Payroll & HR Maintenance

The following areas needs to be setup for Recruitment Management:

  1. Skill Maintenance  
  2. Qualification Maintenance  
  3. Job Descriptions  
  4. Position Maintenance