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LinkRM is a software solution for organisations who want to have an online approach to vacancies. Using Recruitment Manager can help organisations maintain their vacancies and applicants easily over the web. LInkRM works with LinkHR and LinkESS, and is built on an easy-to-use Microsoft platform.

LinkRM is most useful when organisations start receiving a lot of applicants for a vacancy, and the need to fill in those positions is urgent. LinkRM helps the decision makers select and communicate with the best suited applicants. This software can assist rank scores of applicants with the key requirements of a position.

The human resource department can use Link Recruitment Manager to assist in the post-selection process of an applicant. This LinkRM works with LinkESS and LinkHR by allocating the interview panel, scheduling meetings and converting an applicant to an employee. The software gives you access to Recruitment reports which will help managers make better decisions for the organisation. Availability of Analytical reports, Operational Reports and Listing Reports will help organisations become more efficient in the future. 

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