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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Recruitment >
Vacancy Applications


"Vacancy View" contains vacancies that have been advertised.  Applicants can  "View" or "Apply" for the vacancies. Applicants can expand into the details of a vacancy to view the "Job Description" and "Qualification" requirements.


  1. Users will need to  Register in Link WEB to log in and apply for a vacancy.
  2. Vacancies that have passed the "Closing Date" and "Time" will be removed automatically from "Vacancy View".
  3. Users will not be able to edit details once the application has been "Submitted".


  1. My Application Status

Steps to apply for Vacancies

  1. Click on the "Apply Link" . The system will redirect you to the "Vacancy Application" page.  Follow the guidelines on each page during the application process.
  2. Enter below details:
    1. Personal Information
      1. The "Next" button is activated after the applicant has entered data for all required fields.
    2. Education
    3. Reference
    4. Position Requirements
    5. Finish - Once above information has been updated click on Submit Application button to complete the application.
    6. An email notification will be sent to confirm the application.

Figure 1: Vacancy View

Figure 2: Vacancy Apply