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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Processing > Start Point of Sale >
POS Grid
POS Grid contains "Point of Sale" features and functionalities needed to process a transaction.
POS Grid Content:
  1. POS Grid Tabs:
    1. Transaction
    2. Prescription
    3. Shift
    4. Account Payment
    5. Utilities
    6. Reports 
  2. POS Features

Loading Items on the POS Grid
Users can load items on the POS Grid with the below methods:

  1. Load item from the "Fast Key". Users will access will need to setup the keys. 
  2. Enter the "Barcode" of the item under the "Barcode" field.
  3. "Search for an Item" on the grid. Users need to have access to menu "640-22 : Allow Search for an Item".
  4. Scan the "Barcode" of the item in the grid.