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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Delivery Management >
Process Deliveries
Once a sale is completed with the Delivery Option set to Delivery, the items in the sale can be handled through Delivery Management. A summary of steps for delivery management is shown below:
Using Point of Sale
  1. Load the Delivery Management screen.
  2. Select the lines that you want to batch together in one delivery. You can use filters, drag columns, and sort the data in this screen.
  3. You can change the Delivery Date, Name, Contact and the This Delivery amounts as required.
  4. You can edit the Address Information in Contact Number and Phone as well by clicking on the Receipt Number field.
  5. Once you have selected the required entries, select Save. This will create a delivery batch. You can select the Driver Name and Driver Instructions when saving a batch.
  6. You can now print the Delivery Report and Delivery Dockets from the Reports menu.
  7. You can edit the delivery and change the details as required.
  8. Once the delivery is complete, you can mark the delivery as Complete using the menu option Utilities -> Complete Batch.

Using Link Web

  1. Allocating items to a new delivery batch
    1. All items not delivered will show under the "New" batch
    2. Expand the "New" batch and select the lines that you want to batch together in one delivery. Once selected, click on the "Submit" button.
  2. Editing and completing batch
    1. Items added to a batch will show as "In Progress"
    2. Edit the batch and select the "Delivery By"
    3. Edit the line items and enter the delivery details and quantity to delivery in "This Delivery" field.
    4. To remove a line, click on the "Delete" icon. The item go batch in the "New" batch.
    5. To Void a line, click on edit and choose "Void"
  3. Printing reports
    1. Schedule - This report will show the drivers delivery schedule
    2. Docket - This report will show customer's delivery docket

Important Notes:

  1. You can also VOID a delivery if you do not need to deliver this item. Note that VOID deliveries will still appear as a batch in the reports, however they will be clearly marked as VOID.
  2. If you reduce the delivery quantity, the system will allow you to load the balance of the delivery items in the next batch.
  3. Any changes made on this grid is only saved if you select the line and create a batch.
  4. You cannot deliver more than the ordered amount.
  5. If a Sales Return is processed, the ordered quantity is reduced according to the sales returns values.

Detailed Steps:



All sales processed with the order type of "Delivery" will appear in the Delivery Management as shown below:

Screen with the Batch Number and Status of ‘New’.


Select the individual lines by ticking the box in the Select column or using Check ALL under. You can also change delivery details such as This Delivery Quantity.

Utilities Menu:


Select Save. This will load the delivery information screen. In the Delivered By field, select the Driver’s Name:


Note: Driver information is created using the Customer Maintenance screen with the Customer Type set to "Staff".



Once the driver is selected, click on Save. This will assign a Batch Number to the lines selected for delivery.

Note: The status still shows as "New" indicating that the deliveries are still in the shop. The delivery slip needs to be printed for the status to change to "In Progress" indicating that delivery is now underway.


Print the delivery Report using Reports Menu:


1. Delivery Report - Summary


This report shows the delivery details for the customer. The driver cannot leave without printing the Delivery Slip. The Delivery Slip will be signed by the relevant customers to verify that they have received their product.

Close the Report. This will bring you back to the main Delivery Management screen with the Status of the Batch now changed to "In Progress".

2. Delivery Docket

Delivery Docket prints two documents:

  1. Customer Copy
  2. Accounts Copy

These documents can be printed or emailed.


All new delivery sales will show when the New button is selected.


Once the driver returns, cash can be entered in the system using Account Payment Process.


The batch can now be completed confirming that the driver has come back with the correct cash. Select Load and select the batch for the respective driver.


Select Utilities Menu and Complete Batch.


Select YES to the following message:


The status of the batch will change to Completed.

Note: Transactions within a completed batch cannot be edited or Void.


To Void a Transaction – select the transaction. This will load the Delivery Maintenance screen.


Tick the Void box and select Save and Close.



The transaction is marked as Void.