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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Global Administration > User Maintenance >

User tab contains general information about the user. 

  1. Change User Details
    1. Name
    2. Primary Company -  This is the primary company the user has access to.
    3. Email -System generated emails/alerts  for the user is sent to the email address from the user profile.
    4. Phone
    5. Mobile
    6. Reference
    7. Notes
  2. Security
    1. Reset password - The system administrator can "Reset" password for users who has lost or forgotten their password.
    2. Two-Factor Authentication - The system administrator can enable/disable "Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)"   
      1. Option 1: Two-Factor Authentication - Using Email
      2. Option 2: Two-Factor Authentication - Using Authenticator App
  3. User Status
    1. Approved - A user needs to be "Approved" to able to login.
    2. Locked - The "Locked" check box will be enabled when a user account has been locked.
    3. Unlock - The system administrator can unlock the user using the "Unlock User" button.
    4. Force Password Change - The administrator can tick the option to "Force Password Change".  This will force the user to change their password when they login into LinkWEB or LinkPOS.

Figure 1: User Tab