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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Global Administration > User Maintenance >

Roles are assigned permissions which controls the access for a user. For example,

  1. User A who is the payroll officer should be able to login and create pays for the employees. The user can be assigned the "Payroll Officer" role.
  2. User B who is an employee should be able to login and only view their payslip. The user can be assigned the "Employee" role.

Steps to add roles

  1. Select the roles under "Available Roles".
  2. Click on the "Add selected role to user" option.

Steps to remove roles

  1. Select the roles under "User is in these roles".
  2. Click on the "Remove selected role to user" option.

Steps to delete a role

  1. Select the roles under "Available Roles".
  2. Click on the "Delete Selected Roles" option.

Steps to create a new role

  1. In the "Commands" section type the role number in the "Type in new role here" field.
  2. Click on the "Create role" option.

Notes:   Users can add or delete roles from "Global Administration - Role Maintenance "

Figure 1: Role Tab