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User Maintenance

User Maintenance is used to create and maintain user profiles.

  1. User Maintenance contains below information for a user.
    1. User   
    2. Role 
  2. Users can expand into the details and view the "User Access List".  The list contains the menus to which an user has access. Refer to Figure 2.

User Security

The following user securities apply to how a user can manage, view or access other users in the system:

  1. FR618 - Can view/manage all users in the system. To manage users assign access to Add/Edit/Delete.
  2. FR616 - Can view/manage users in my Organisation. To manage users assign access to Add/Edit/Delete. Organisation is assigned in the "User Maintenance" form.
  3. FR619 - Can view/manage users in my Primary company. To manage users assign access to Add/Edit/Delete. "Primary Company" is assigned in the "User Maintenance" form.
  4. FR617 - Can view/manage users who have access to my "Logged In" company. To manage users assign access to Add/Edit/Delete.

Deleting a user

To delete a user, click on the delete icon for the user record. When deleting a user account the system will do the following:

  1. Mark the user as "Unapproved"
  2. Remove all access from User -> Company
  3. Remove all roles assigned to the user
  4. Remove all members assigned to the user
  5. Remove all workflows assigned to the user
  6. Remove all Notes and Attachments for the user
  7. Log a message in event log that the user account has been deleted.

Figure 1: User Maintenance

Figure 2: User Access List