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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Global Administration > User Maintenance >

Members is used to add "Multiple Users" to a user account. This allows a group of users to access the same menus and reports. For example,

  1. Employee E013, E029 and A006 are part of the "LinkSOFT Project Team".
  2. Create a user as "LinkSOFT Project Team" and add the 3 employees as "Members".   
  3. If the user us granted access to the "Call History" reports, all members set for the user will have to the "Call History" report. 

If a call is logged in Helpdesk by the user "LinkSOFT Project Team" then:

  1. "Logged By Me" will show all cases where "LoggedBy" is the "User" and "Members" setup for the user.
  2. "Assigned To Me" will show all calls where "Assigned To" is the "User" and "Members" setup for the user.
  3. Case notification is sent to the "User" and "Members" setup for the user.

Figure 1: Member Tab