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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Processing > Start Point of Sale > POS Grid > Account Payment >
Payment for Credit Sale
Payment for Credit Sale  is used to receive and allocate payments to outstanding invoices for a customer.

Users need access to process payments. Enable access to  "Allow Account Payments, Menu 640-6" under Role Menu Access.

Steps to process payment:

  1. Navigate to "Account Payment -> Payment for Credit Sale"  in POS. Refer to Figure 1.  This will open a window to select the customer.
  2. Select the customer on the screen by clicking on "Search F4" button. Search for the customer on the "Search Customer" screen.
    1. Customer search will output the customer's "Outstanding Balance" and "Available Credit". Balance is the sum of all credit sale invoices. Refer to Figure 2 below.
  3. Enter the description of the payment in the "Notes" section.
  4. Click on "Process" to receive payment.
  5. Once payment has been processed in 4 above, all pending receipts will be loaded for the customer. Allocate the payment with the respective receipt. Users can use "Auto Apply" which will allocate payments to the oldest receipt first. Users can also manually select the receipts to allocate payment by clicking on them. Refer to Figure 3 below.

    Figure 1:  Payment for Credit Sale 

    Figure 2 : Account Payment

    Figure 3 : Payment Allocation