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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Processing > Start Point of Sale > Features >
Fast Keys
On the left hand side of the main screen, the user has options of assigning Fast Keys for fast selling items, or for items which do not have barcodes. Fast selling and items with no barcodes can be assigned by right clicking on one of the buttons which will give the user an option of either assigning a product or clearing the fast key.

Note : You will need to be given access to perform Fast Key Assignments. Choosing the option of assigning a new product, the system will display the following screen which will enable the user to select a product to assign.


The user will be required to fill in at least one of the following details to search for an item:

  1. Description – Product Detail or part of.
  2. Product Code – Code assigned to the specific item or part of a code.
  3. Category – Select from the list, the category from which the product has be assigned.

After the above information has been entered the user can click on the search button or press [F4] on the keyboard and the items will be displayed. Select the item for it to be assigned to the selected Fast Key.

Apart from assigning Fast Keys on the left hand side of the POS screen, the user can also assign Fast Keys by selecting the picture button. The F1 search products window brings up a categorized product assignment screen instead of standard product search. The Fast Keys assigned here will have pictures displayed for the items selected. Fast Keys are assigned by right clicking on the button below the picture button.

There are 16 categories and 25 text/picture assignments for each category

Note: The descriptions appearing on the shortcut keys for the items assigned are displayed from what is entered in the SKU Code field in the Inventory Product Master. If the SKU code field is blank, the system will display what is entered in the Description Field.