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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
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Achievement contains details of employee accomplishments during their employment. For example, an employee is awarded a certificate for "Employee of Month".

The following functions are available:

  1. Configuration to Import Achievements in pay
  2. Steps to maintain employee achievements
  3. Alerts

1. Configuration to Import Achievements in pay

The following type of Achivements can be imported in the pay:

  1. Type: Monetary
  2. Amount: Value is greater than zero
  3. Pay Code: Paycode is of type "Gross, Allowance, Benefit or Non-Pay Items"

To import Achievements in pay, setup the configuration : "Payroll -> Payrun Type -> Include "Achievement" entries that are marked as monetary when creating a pay."

2. Steps to maintain employee achievements 

  1. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Employee Choose the employee. Refer to Employee Access Security 
     Code  Refer to Achievement Maintenance.
     Date Created Enter the date when the achivement was created.
     Notes This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
     Void  Void the selected record

3. Alerts

The following alerts are available:

  Menu  Code  Description Default Value
 Configuration  ESS.ALERT.Achievement.Enable Send an email alert when an employee's "Achievement" record is created in menu "Employee Profile ~> Achievements". This alert is sent to the "employee", "employee's manager" and configuration "HR email address".  Y

Figure 1: Achievements