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Discipline menu contains disciplinary cases of an employee in the organisation.

Most organisations have a formal warning procedure consisting of three steps:

  • Verbal Warning

  • Written Warning

  • Termination

The number of verbal or written warnings provided vary according to an organisation's policies. It is essential to maintain records of all disciplinary procedures in the event of future actions.


The following functions are available:

  1. Steps to maintain Discipline
  2. Alerts

1. Steps to maintain Discipline

  1. Add/Edit the record
  2. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Code  Code is system assigned. Refer to configuration: "Next Employee Discipline Code"
     Employee  Choose the employee. Refer to Employee Access Security 
     Date Advised Enter the "Date" the disciplinary case was reported or discussed with employee.
     Warning Select the "Warning" type
     Subject  The reason for the disciplinary action. For example, 'Continual lateness' or 'Serious misconduct'.
     Detail  Enter a more detailed description in regards to the subject
     Notes  This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
     Void  Void the selected record

3. Alerts

The following alerts are available:

  Menu  Code  Description Default Value
 Configuration  ESS.ALERT.Discipline.Enable Send an email alert when an employee's "Discipline" record is created in menu "Employee Profile ~> Discipline". This alert is sent to the "employee", "employee's manager" and configuration "HR email address".  Y

Figure 1: Employee Discipline