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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Employee Profile >
Exit Maintenance
Exit Maintenance  menu is used to create and maintain "Exit Interviews" of employees. "Exit Interview" is a method to gather useful information about the company from employees who resign.A user with access will add the "Interview Questions" for an employee, the employee will be able to view and update the answers in ESS.


The following functions are available:

  1. Setup Exit Details
  2. Setup Exit Questions

1. Setup Exit Details

  1. Enter the following details:
     Field  Description
     Code Code is system assigned. Refer to configuration: "Next Employee Exit Code"
     Employee Choose the employee. Refer toEmployee Access Security 
     Exit Date  Enter the last "Date" of employment.
     Exit Reason  Refer to Exit Reason Maintenance
     Exit Interview  Tick the "Exit Interview"  box if the employee had an interview or discussion with management at resignation.
     Certificate of Service  Tick the "Certificate of Service"  box if a certificate of service was issued to the employee
     Would Re-Employ  State if the company would hire the employee in the future
     New Employer
     Offered Position
     Offered Salary
     Notes This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
     Void  Void the selected record

2. Setup Exit Questions

  1. Expand Exit Details
  2. Add/Edit the record
  3. Enter the following details:
     Field  Description
     Code Refer to Exit Question Maintenance
     Response Enter the reponse from the employee. Responses can also be entered by the employee using menu: Employee Profile -> Dashboard -> Exit Response
     Notes This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
     Void  Void the selected record

Figure 1 : Exit Maintenance