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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Time Management >
TNA Timesheets

The Timesheets menu allows users to review Timesheet entries. The following functions are available:

  1. Use the timesheet parameters to filter the timesheet data on the grid.
  2. Review list of timesheet entries. See figure 1 below.
  3. Review details of timesheet log that makes the timesheet entry. See figure 2 below.
  4. Edit timesheet entry - Note that editing an entry will mark the status as Modified. Modified entries are excluded from timesheet calculations. Access to "Allow editing computed timesheet entries" is required for editing. See figure 3 below.
  5. Delete timesheet entry - This will mark the status as Deleted. You can still edit deleted entry to mark it as modified. Access to "Allow editing computed timesheet entries" is required for deleting.
  6. Add timesheet entry - Select an employee from the filter to add timesheet. See figure 4 below.
  7. Submit timesheet entry to be created as time entries. Access to "Can submit timesheet entries" is required for "Submit" button.
  8. Time entry hours is automatically calculates based on shift segments.

Figure 1: Timesheet.


Figure 2: Timesheet Log details.

Figure 3: Edit timesheet.

Figure 4: Add Timesheet.