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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Processing > Start Point of Sale > POS Grid > Account Payment >
Multi On-Account Payment
Multi On-Account Payment  is used to receive payments for multiple customers in Point of Sale. Payments received are  allocated to  outstanding invoices in the customer maintenance screen.

Users need access to process payments. Enable access to  "Allow Account Payments, Menu 640-6" under Role Menu Access.

Steps to process Multi - Account Payment:

  1. Navigate to "Account Payment -> Multi On-Account Payment"  in POS. Refer to Figure 1.
  2. Select the "Payment Method" and complete the process. This will open the customer search screen.
    1. Only one "Payment Method" can be used at a time for an account payment.
  3.  Allocate the payment to the respective customers by entering the payment amount under the "Payment" column. Refer to Figure 2.
  4. Click on the "Apply" button to complete the allocation. This will generate the receipts.
  5. After the receipts are printed, the system will open the "Payment Allocation" screen which will output the "Account Payment Number" in the reference column. Refer to Figure 3.


  1. Payment should be fully allocated.
  2. Refund process will require user to refund by customer

Figure 1: Multi On-Account Payment.

Figure 2: Payment and Allocation

Figure 3: Payment Reference