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Help > Point of Sale > Prescription >
Non Prescription Label

Non Prescription Label is a feature in Point of Sale to create labels for "Over the Counter medicines".

These are medicines not prescribed by a doctor, however require instructions for the intake. These instructions can be printed and pasted on the medicine for sale.

Details on the Non Prescription Label:

  1. Label No - The label number is system generated upon saving an entry.
  2. Medication Name - Medication name is the product or medicine name.
  3. Instructions - Instructions is the instruction or guide for medicine intake.
  4. Expiry Date - Expiry Date is the expiry date of the medicine.
  5. Price - Price is the price of the medicine.
  6. Print Copies - Print Copies is the preferred number or copies of instructions to print.

Steps in creating a Non Prescription Label.

  1. Click on "New " to enter new details.
  2. Click on "Save" to save the entry.
  3. Click on "Preview" to review the alignment of the label that will be printed.
  4. Click on "Print" to print the label.
  5. Click on "Close" to close  the screen.
  6. Users can search and load prescriptions using the "Search" button.

Figure 1: Non Prescription Label