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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Processing >
Reconcile & Close Shift
The shift close function is used to reconcile Till amounts to System amounts in preparation for banking.
The steps to close shift is as follows:
  1. The cashier will place the shift on HOLD. This will close the main Point of Sale screen and allow the cashier to start a new shift.
  2. Once the shift is on HOLD, you can reconcile and close using the following methods:
    1. On Point of Sale, select the option "Reconcile & Close Shift"
    2. On Link Web, use menu "Point of Sale -> Shift Management"
  3. Enter the counted amounts for each payment method.
  4. Select the option to accept variance and submit

Below are the screenshots explaining the steps using Point of Sale. The steps to close shift on Link WEB is similar.

Steps to Reconcile & Close shift

Figure 1: Steps to Hold Shift

When Close Shift is selected from the tree view, the screen will show all the shifts which are on hold. The user will need to select the shift they want to close by clicking on the Close button for the relevant Shift Number.

Figure 2: Close Shift which are currently on Hold

Total Sales include:

- Cash Sales (rounding included)

- Returns (rounding included)

- Lay-by

- Credit Sales

Till Amount include:

- Float Amount

- Total Sales for the Shift

A detail breakdown of payments is shown in the Close Shift Screen.

Cash is made up of the following transactions:

  1. Float received on shift open
  2. Cash payments received
  3. Change given
  4. Refunds given

For Example:
Payment Type Amount Received Cashout Total Cash
Cash 100 100
EftPOS 200 50 50
Partial close payment type cash is $50
Cash 200 200
EFTPOS 150 10 190
Partial close payment type cash is $190
Add a flag on payment line so we can mark eftpos cashout and any other cash movement in a partial close
Refunds are not required to be marked as there is 1 line per refund in the payment table
Refunds are treated as change, and change is always in the form of cash.

Figure 3:  Close Shift Screen

After counting the money in the till, enter the amount in the Till Amount field and select Next.

Figure 4: Close Shift Screen to Enter Till Amounts per Payment Method

If there is a variance between the System Amount and Till Amount, it will show in the Variance field with a blinking red exclamation mark. At this stage, the management will decide if they need to charge the cashier if it is a vast variance.

Figure 5: Variance at Shift Close

The user needs to tick the Accept Variance Amount field, in order to enable the Full Close button.

Click on FULL Close when closing the end of day shift for the cashier. This means that the system will assign a new shift number for the same cashier on NEXT Login. 

Full Close - All till payments with the shift will be reconciled and the shift will closed.

Partial Close - Selected payments within the shift is reconciled and the shift is NOT closed. The reconciled amount is removed from the till and the cashier can continue with the shift. The shift report will show each partial close by an incremental number.

To enable parital close, assign security access to menu "626-3-1 - Allow "Parital Close" when closing shift"

Once the shift is successfully closed, the system will print the following report:

Figure 6: Shift Close Report

  1. Total Sales is equal to Total Sales from Shift Close List screen.
  2. Total Banking is calculated as follows:
  3. Total Banking = Cash Sales + Cash In - Cash Out + Account Payment + Variance (Transaction report)