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Role Maintenance

Role Maintenance is used to create and maintain roles. Roles are assigned permissions which controls the access for a user. For example,

  1. User A who is the payroll officer should be able to login and create pays for the employees. The user can be assigned the "Payroll Officer" role.
  2. User B who is an employee should be able to login and only view their payslip. The user can be assigned the "Employee" role.


  1. " All User" is a default framework role assigned to all users in LinkSOFT.
    1. "All User" role is assigned to users who "Sign Up" and "New Users" created in the system.
    2. Employees automatically created in ESS will have the framework "All User" role plus the configured under "Company Administration - Configuration - HRM - Employee Profile - Default Role Name".
  2. A client using "Link Recruitment" needs to enable access for recruitment menus for the role "All User". This will allow the applicants to register and use recruitment.
  3. Administrators can remove "All User" role from "User Maintenance ".
  4. Roles are used to control "Pay Team" access. For example, t here are two employees "X002" and "X003".
    1. "Employee X002" is assigned "Pay Team A" and "Employee X003" is assigned "Pay Team B".
    2. "User A" has access to "Pay Team A", when user "User A" logs in the user will only be able to view the profile of "Employee X002"

    Steps to create a Role:

    1. Enter below details :
      1. Role Name - Enter the role title.
      2. Description - Enter the detailed description of the role.
    2. Expand into the details to view the "Users" in the role.

    Figure 1: Role Maintenance