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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Global Administration >
Public Holidays

Public Holidays is used to create and maintain list of holidays for a country. Public Holiday settings are used for below features:

  1. Leave Application  - "Calculate Leave Hours" will exclude Public Holidays.
  2. Promotional Price setup where users can define a price for holidays.
  3. Public Holidays entered in system is integrated into payroll based on process "ESS001 - Create "Public Holiday Entitled" time entries for employees marked as "Timesheet".
  4. Used by Time Management modules
  5. Pay Awards  Frequency Maintenance

Steps to add Public Holiday:

  1. Select the "Country".
  2. Select the "State".
  3. Add a New Record  . This will open the edit form. 1.
    1. Enter the "Date".
    2. Enter the "Description" of the holiday.
    3. "Disable" will mark the entry as "Deleted".


  1. The system will use the "Public Holiday" settings of the "Country" which is set in menu "Company ".
  2. For example, if the country setting in the company menu is Fiji. When a leave is applied, the system will check for public holiday dates for country Fiji.

Figure 1: Public Holiday