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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Employee Profile > Employee Pay Setup >

Benefits is used to setup paycodes that will be paid in each pay. There are controls in place to specify when to stop the benefit.

The following functions are available:

  1. Configuration to Import Benefit in pay
  2. Setup Benefit

1. Configuration to Import Benefit in pay

To import benefits in pay, setup the configuration: "Payroll -> Payrun Type -> Include "Benefit" entries when creating a pay." 

2. Setup Benefit 

  1. Assign security access to menu: "HR328-2 - Employee Pay Setup -> Benefits"
  2. Add a record
  3. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Paycode  List of Paycodes filtered by "Paycode Types: Benefit"
     Reference  Reference code to tag with the benefit.
     Cost Centre  Cost Centre used when processing pay.
     Based On

     Benefits can be setup in two ways:

    1. Date - Uses the "Start Date" and "End Date" to setup the benefit. Once the "End Date" has reached, the benefit status will be closed.
    2. Value - Uses the "Total Amount" and "Amount Paid" to setup the benefit. Once the "Total Amount" has been paid, the benefit status will be closed.
     Start Date   When using "Date" option.  Date entered here is when the benefit is effective from.
     End Date  When using "Date" option. Date entered here is the end date. Once the "End Date" has reached, the benefit status will be closed.
     Total Amount  When using "Value" option. Amount entered here is the ceiling amount. Once this amount has been paid, the benefit status will be closed.
     Amount Per Pay  This is the dollar value of the benefit paid in each pay
     Amount Paid  This is a cumulative sum of the amount of benefit that has been paid.
     Status  The following statuses are available:
    1. Active - The benefit is valid and will be paid in the next pay.
    2. Closed - The record is closed and cannot be edited 
    3. Inactive - Users can mark an allowance as "Inactive" whereby the benefit will not flow into payroll.
    4. Hold - Users can mark a benefit as "Hold" whereby the benefit will not flow into payroll. Users can activate the benefit in the future.
     Notes This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.

Figure 1: Employee Benefit