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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Processing > Start Point of Sale > Features >
Credit Sale

Credit Sales are sale transactions that are processed with the agreement between the organisation and the customer, where the customer can pay for the items later.

Steps to perform a Credit Sales

  1. Select Credit Sale from the option buttons. Refer to Figure 1.
  2. Double click on the customer field. The Customer Search form will open.
  3. From the customer search screen, select the customer by double clicking on the Customer Name.
  4. Scan the items, or enter the barcodes of the items in the barcode field.
  5. Click on the save button or press [F2].
    1. Click on "Complete" to end the credit sale.
    2. If customer is making a partial payment, select the payment type and receive payment on the sale.

Figure 1: Credit Sale