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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Processing > Start Point of Sale > Features >

A lay-by is a sale that allows users to take an initial payment to hold the goods. The good is released  after the total selling price has been paid in instalments within a fixed period.

  1. Users need access to "Lay-by Sales" to process a lay-by transaction. Access is enabled under Role Menu Access in Backoffice.
  2. Lay-By  can not be processed for "Prescriptions" as prescriptions have its own pricing and discounting structure which cannot be aligned.
  3. In-stock for the inventory is reduced after the Lay-By transaction has been fully paid.
  4. Lay-by payment term is set under "POS Web -> Point of Sale -> Customer Type".
  1. Steps to process a Lay- By:
    1. Start "Point of Sale".
    2. Select the "Lay-By" option in the POS Grid.
      1. This will open the option to select the Lay-by type. There are two options "Standard" and "Special Order".
      2. Lay-by type is used to calculate the initial deposit on a transaction. 
      3. The deposit percentage is configured under "POS -> Configuration -> Global".
    3. Select the customer for the sale.
      1. Click on the "Customer" field in the POS grid. This will open the customer search screen.
      2. Type the customer name and search for the customer.
    4. Load the products in POS.  Below are methods to load products in POS:
      1. Scan the barcode of the product using a barcode scanner.
      2. Select the product from the Fast Key.
      3. Type the barcode of the product in the "Barcode" field and press enter.
      4. Click on "Search for an Item" on the left panel. This will open the product list, users can search for the required product.
    5. Click "Save" or press [F2]. This will open the "Payment Methods" screen. 
      1. The screen will show "Active" payment methods only. This is configured under "POS- Payment - Is Active".
    6. Select the "Payment Method", for example "Cash". This will open the "Payment Details" screen.
      1. The details will show the "Transaction Amount", "Payment Amount", "Surcharge", "Total Payment", "Balance" and "Rounding".
      2. "Payment Amount" and "Total Payment" will be automatically updated based on the configured "Deposit Percentage" for the lay-by.  
      3. Users can override the "Payment Amount".
      4. Enter the "Additional Details" required for each "Payment Method". " Additional Details" is configured under "POS- Payment - Header(1 -4)".
      5. If the payment is made using a "Foreign Currency", the system will open a second screen to select the "Payment Currency". The "Payment Details" screen will show the payment amounts for the "Local" and "Foreign Currency".  The currency is converted based on the "Sell" rate set under "Exchange Rate".
    7. Click on "OK" or press [F2] to save payment details. This will show a summary of the payments and the change amount.
    8. Click on "Complete" or press [F2]. This will complete the sale, display the change and print the receipt.
    9. The customer records will be automatically updated with the "Balance " and "Amount Paid".
  2. Step to process payment for Lay-By
    1. Start "Point of Sale".
    2. Navigate to "Transaction -> Load Transaction ". This will open the the "Retrieve Transaction" screen.
    3. Search for the Lay- By:
      1. Tick the box for "Transaction Type" and select Lay-By.
      2. Tick the box for "Transaction Status " and select "Processed".
      3. Search for the transaction by "Docket Number", "Customer", "Date" or "User".
    4. Select the transaction, this will load the details in the POS Grid.
    5. Click on "Save" or press [F2]  to receive payment. Follow steps 1.5 to 1.8.