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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Processing > Start Point of Sale > Features >
Returns are when items purchased, are given back to the seller because of defects or damages.

In a situation where a customer returns their purchase, the following steps need to be completed for returned items:



Select the Returns option Button:


This will display the returns information from which the user will need to fill.


Click on the search button or press F4 in order to select the docket number for which the items are being returned. If the docket number is available, then the user can directly input the number in the Docket Number Field and press enter.


Clicking on search button will take the user to the retrieve transactions menu as shown below:



Scan the barcode on the receipt.


Select the Transaction Type, Transaction Status, and Dates from the drop down options provided.


Once the selection is complete, select the search button or press [F4] to display the information.


Select the Transaction ID for which the item is being returned. By either double clicking on the Transaction ID, or selecting, then clicking on the Close button which displays the docket number on the return form.




Select reason in the reason field.


Enter any additional information in the notes field provided.


Select the "OK" button or press [F2].


The system will display the main menu again with the customer's information. The user will need to scan the returned items. As items are scanned, details of the item (Description, Quantity, Unit Price, Tax, and Total) will appear under the header items. 



Once the scanning is completed, select the save button.



The Payment Methods screen will appear. Select the Payment Method, for example, cash and select the complete button [F2].



The system will further display the Payments Detail Form showing the payment and due amounts. Select the save button [F2]. The Payment Methods menu will be displayed.


The user needs to choose the payment method and then proceed with the return process.  


Select the complete button or press [F2].

The total amount due will be displayed on the screen, a receipt will be printed, and the cash register will open.

After providing the customer with the due amount, close the cash register. The system will save the last transaction and clear the screen in order for the cashier to proceed with the next transaction.