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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Processing > Start Point of Sale > Features >
Custom Kit Items
Products can be setup as Custom Kit Items. Custom Kit Items can be set to automatically increment between 0 and 0.5, 0 and 1 do not allow quantity change and Use Kit Price instead of Component Price.

These are configurable in Backoffice in the Configuration Menu (Menu ID: 237). For example, Auto Increment between 1 and 0 (0 designates ‘NO’ and 1 designates ‘YES’) is setup as PK01 and Auto Increment by 0.5 is setup as PK02 hence from this setup we know that the items created to auto increment by 0.5 or 1 will have the first 4 digits as PK01 or PK02.


Products are tagged as Custom Kit in the Inventory Product Master (Menu ID: 519).

For example, in a Pizza Shop, products can be setup as Custom Kit items where customers have a choice of selecting a half and half Pizza. If the configuration setup has Auto Increment by 0.5 field setup as PK01, then a half and half pizza kit item can be setup as PK0101S – Half Romana where the first four digits designate that it will auto increment by 0.5.

When the custom kit items are selected in the POS processing screen, the user can select the items ordered by the customer and the system will display the quantity of 0.5.


Similarly, an item can be setup to auto increment between 1 and 0 and have product codes setup as PK02. For example, in a coffee shop environment, there are many options available as to how customers would like their coffee made, such as whether they would like full cream milk or skim milk, or like to have their coffee in the coffee shop or takeaway. All these items can be setup to auto increment between 1 and 0 and during the time of sale, the cashiers can select on the options available for the selected coffee and this will auto increment the number to 1 indicating customer preference.


Do not allow quantity change - components within a Kit can also be setup so that the quantity does not change.


From the above setup we know that the items created not to allow quantity change will have the first 3 digits as Z00.

Use Kit Price instead of Component Price – this option allows users to use the Kit Price set in Product Master, irrespective of what the component prices are. The components will be selected, however, this will have no effect on the total kit price.


For example, items created that have the first 3 digits as Z02 will be sold at the sale price defined in the Product Price button in Product Master.