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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Processing > Start Point of Sale > Features >
Debtor Specific Pricing

When loading a customer with a debtor specific price, the respective price is loaded and the price changes to the product price once the customer is changed. 

For example:

  • For customer 0002 Abbotsleigh Junior School, a price of $85.00 was set for product 001. 
  • Loaded customer 0002, $85.00 was loaded for product 001. 
  • Did not process the sale.
  • Changed the customer to Afes Wollongong Uni, the price was changes to $100 as in the Product Master which was highlighted bright to show the change.

For the case of discounts:

  • Loaded customer 002.
  • Gave $2.00 Discount for product GR004.
  • Changed the customer without processing the sale.
  • The following message was displayed.